


We document that in 2020, US mutual funds with Asian female managers underperform relative to other female managers. The impact intensified in states with higher crime rates or sentiment, among more actively managed portfolios, and when these managers play leadership roles. We address alternative hypotheses, including investor redemption, workplace animus, childcare challenges, and concerns for families overseas during the pandemic. Performance deterioration manifests itself mainly in stock picking. Our study highlights the negative productivity impact of ethnic bias outside the workplace and the labor market.



Joe Hong Zou,香港大学金融学教授。曾任教于卡迪夫大学(英国)和香港城市大学,并于2017/2018年获得香港大学工商经济学院MBA教学奖。主要研究方向为公司金融、公司治理、风险管理、金融服务、中国金融市场。研究成果发表在顶级金融期刊(Journal of Finance、Journal of Financial Economics、Review of Financial Studies、Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis)、顶级会计期刊(Journal of Accounting and Economics)、顶级国际商业期刊(Journal of International and Business Studies)、顶级保险期刊(Journal of Risk and Insurance)等。