为增强学院学术氛围,加强学术科研合作,金融科技学院持续开展系列学术讲座。2024年11月4日上午,学院特邀请奥克兰大学商学院Yuri SEO副教授作专题学术讲座。
本次讲座中,Yuri SEO副教授介绍了自己近期在市场营销学领域的重要研究成果。主要内容为:Many companies demonstrate commitment to social and environmental issues by making corporate social responsibility (CSR) contributions. In recent years, the proportion of in-kind CSR contributions—such as donating products, providing services, and volunteering employee time to non-profit organizations—has been consistently increasing, while the proportion of monetary donations has decreased. Yet, there is a dearth of research on how pro-company consumer responses to in-kind contributions can be optimized with effective marketing strategies. The authors establish that such strategies can be developed by leveraging the role of an incremental mindset in information processing. Eleven studies (N = 4,735) evidence that activating an incremental mindset in consumers strengthens pro-company responses to in-kind CSR contributions, making such contributions more desirable over monetary donations. This effect occurs because activating an incremental mindset leads consumers to believe that the more effortful in-kind contributions have higher CSR impact expectancy. In line with this theoretical explanation, the consumer’s mindset effect attenuates when the company’s contributions are perceived as low-effort activities, or when they only indirectly support CSR issues. The findings offer marketers with novel consumer insights that can guide CSR management and enhance the communication of in-kind contributions.
讲座结束后,Yuri SEO副教授还与学院师生进行深入交流,探讨学术问题,现场气氛踊跃。
Yuri Seo 博士是奥克兰大学商学院的市场营销副教授。Yuri教授的研究采用心理学和社会学的方法,探讨消费者行为中的重要问题。他已发表了40篇AJG-3/4/4级别的文章(以及超过50篇ABDC-A/A级别的文章),包括在市场营销顶级期刊如《消费者研究杂志》(Journal of Consumer Research, UTD-24, FT-50, AJG-4*, ABDC-A*)和《消费者心理学杂志》(Journal of Consumer Psychology, FT-50, AJG-4*, ABDC-A*)上发表的论文。根据2020年至2024年间市场营销领域的滚动五年期刊发表数据(https://www.mktbig15.com),Yuri 是新西兰在所有主要期刊排名(ABDC-A*,AJG-4/4*,FT-50,UTD-24)中的每个顶级类别中最具生产力的研究者。Yuri 还获得了多个研究奖项,包括ANZMAC年度新兴研究者奖、奥克兰大学早期职业研究卓越奖(ECREA)、以及奥克兰大学商学院研究卓越奖。此外,Yuri 还获得了奥克兰大学商学院研究生研究指导的教学卓越奖,并被列入斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%科学家榜单。目前,他担任市场营销系消费者研究与市场营销科学领域的学术负责人,以及新西兰亚洲研究院韩国研究中心主任。