本次讲座中,丛林教授介绍了自己近期在数字经济和金融科技领域的重要研究成果。主要内容为:In this paper, we study individual decisions on educational pursuit, influence acquisition, and economic production, in the presence of the increasingly ubiquitous digital social media that are entertaining but orthogonal to productive activities. Recognizing that education not only imparts logic and knowledge but also determines initial labor market placements, we show that either high or low search frictions in the market for educated experts may reduce endogenous education. The rise of the influencer economy via digital platforms alters the allocation of attention and effort, and thus resources in the society. While lowered entry costs to become influencers do not affect social welfare due to competition, the increase in amusement surplus from influencers due to improved matching and amplified outreach can discourage or even break down education. Because of information resonance (only the educated population can understand educated experts), education pursuits exhibit complementarity in the presence of a sizable influencer economy, resulting in multiple equilibria including one featuring inefficiently low education. When societal decisions and public goods provision (e.g., anti-pollution and climate sustainability issues) rely on an individual's logic and scientific understanding, educational externality is further augmented, and anti-intellectual influence that draws people away from investing in education or from following educated experts becomes even more detrimental. Surprisingly, regulatory interventions directly targeting influencers or reducing search friction in the labor market may backfire, but taxing both influencers and followers can mitigate inefficiency.
丛林(Lin William Cong)教授是康奈尔大学约翰逊商学院Rudd家族管理学讲席教授及金融学终身教授,兼任康奈尔中国经济研究、社科研究、新兴市场等中心的附属教授。他是美国国家经济研究局 (NBER) 资产定价部门研究学者 (Research Associate), 加密货币和合约机构的科学家(IC3 Scientist), Kauffman 创业基金的青年学者,Poets & Quants世界最佳商学院教授,和多家顶级期刊的编委,其中包括Management Science的金融主编。在加入康奈尔大学之前,丛教授曾任斯坦福经济政策研究和发展中国家研究所杰出学者,芝加哥大学商学院助理教授和博导,东亚研究中心教授,并首创量化投资MBA/EMBA教程。他发起及联合创立了康奈尔金融科技中心、数字经济金融科技实验室(DEFT Lab),以及加密和区块链经济研究(CBER)和金融AI和大数据研究(ABFR)等国际论坛。
丛教授研究领域包括金融学、信息经济学、金融科技、创业学(理论以及涉及数字经济和国家发展的实证)、数字经济、中国金融和经济等。他和合作者首次证明去中心化共识可持续性,以博弈激励角度分析智能合约和预言机网络,并建立了代币经济学(包括分类、动态定价,等等)。同时,作为首创多项大数据分析和人工智能在金融的拓展与应用的学者,他发明了文本因子分析、面板树、深度强化学习资管模型和公司决策模型,和基于多项敏感度分析的模型解读法。丛教授的研究曾获多项国际奖项,包括国际养老金管理中心研究奖、AAM-CAMRI-CFA Institute 资产管理大奖、芝加哥商品交易所最佳论文奖、金融理论协会最佳论文奖、Shmuel Kandel 金融经济奖等。他每年受邀在近百所国际大会、学校、基金和政府机构做主题演讲和研究报告,例如IMF、蚂蚁金服、货币监察署和联邦银行。丛教授现任Chain-link高级经济顾问和首任高级经济学家,也曾任或现任顾问帮助Ava Labs、 Blackrock、Dfinity、Modular Asset Management、华尔街区块链联盟、加拿大央行等多家央行、非盈利机构、投资公司和创业创新项目。他曾作为中国基金业协会特邀讲师为投资界高管培训,并受邀为美国证监会、司法部、联邦调查署、纽约州检察长办公室和纽约州政府金融服务部作科研咨询或培训。